continuous flow unit How much oxygen should be available 637 litres (40 - 50 minutes) AED (Automated External Defibrillators) Electronic instruments that analyze an unresponsive divers heart rhythm, then guide you through the steps of providing a shock if necessary. The 2 types of emergency oxygen systems recommended for rescue divers - nonresucitator demand valve unit Positive pressure resuscitator unit Requires special paramedic training because it can injure someone if used improperly. With proper flow (15 liters per minute) + nonrebreather mask w/ reservoir bag, can deliver 90 percent oxygen but could be as low as 60 percent. Continuous flow unit Release oxygen continuously, so more wasteful. Best for rescue divers because patients require high concentration.

positive pressure resuscitator Nonresuscitator demand valve unit Oxygen flows only when the diver inhales so these units reduce waste, with the proper mask it can deliver nearly 100 percent oxygen.

Three primary types of emergency oxygen systems - Nonresuscitator demand valve units