The work load for the revenue department has also decreased.Due to the online records management system, there is great transparency and this leads to less land fraud, illegal possessions.People can check their land records such as ROR.Now they don’t need to go to the government offices for their land records. Bhulekh Odisha Map View Online Benefitsīhunaksha Odisha online view has made people easy to access the land records from the home. You will get to know how you can view your ROR, map of plot/land you own, tehsil information and other revenue related information. If you live in Odisha and holds a land but you are not aware of how to use the land map view portal then you can find all the necessary details in this article.

Bhulekh Odisha portal has a very easy to use and anybody can get their land details online. This Digital India Land Record Modernization Programme (DILRMP) has been implemented in all the states.